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General Discussion / Re: About the server
« Last post by REPLES on December 08, 2017, 11:50:01 AM »
AGRO mobs working fine? last time i played FOG was really fucked up 80% don't want to attack me. Just running straight and 2 or 3  mobs from all room chasing....
General Discussion / Re: donate
« Last post by LA2AXE on December 08, 2017, 11:27:44 AM »
Hello, paysafe is not available at the moment, for other ways you can contact us by skype.
General Discussion / Re: summon in TOI
« Last post by LA2AXE on December 08, 2017, 11:26:57 AM »
It will stay like a Raid Boss zone. In RB zone you cannot summon. There is many other ways how to enter to TOI.
really?? give us an example that is not walking by toi.
You can use noblesse/crystals to teleport in floors.
General Discussion / donate
« Last post by gk13 on December 08, 2017, 07:23:28 AM »
can make donate with paysafe??
General Discussion / Re: summon in TOI
« Last post by JonSnow on December 07, 2017, 03:12:41 AM »
It will stay like a Raid Boss zone. In RB zone you cannot summon. There is many other ways how to enter to TOI.
really?? give us an example that is not walking by toi.
General Discussion / Re: Online
« Last post by LA2AXE on December 07, 2017, 01:23:53 AM »
Какой онлайн ожидается на старте ?
1000+ Expecting.
General Discussion / Re: summon in TOI
« Last post by LA2AXE on December 07, 2017, 01:23:30 AM »
It will stay like a Raid Boss zone. In RB zone you cannot summon. There is many other ways how to enter to TOI.
General Discussion / Re: About the server
« Last post by LA2AXE on December 07, 2017, 01:22:34 AM »
Hello, I have a question about server too. How many players do you expect to be online daily aprox? I am new here, but I can see you already ran the game. What was usual number of online players? I really like the server based on the features I read. Although I couldn't find "create a new account" button and then the last question drove me crazy. You may make it a bit easier because I tried "Lineage 2, Lineage, L2" and nothing worked. Some ppl may give up at this point. How should someone know that there should not be a space between those 2 words ;) It is a bit confusing.

Thank you.
Hello, registration is auto in game login window. Expecting about 1k+ players, real count will see on start. See you soon ;)
General Discussion / Re: About the server
« Last post by nohajs on December 07, 2017, 12:46:47 AM »
Hello, I have a question about server too. How many players do you expect to be online daily aprox? I am new here, but I can see you already ran the game. What was usual number of online players? I really like the server based on the features I read. Although I couldn't find "create a new account" button and then the last question drove me crazy. You may make it a bit easier because I tried "Lineage 2, Lineage, L2" and nothing worked. Some ppl may give up at this point. How should someone know that there should not be a space between those 2 words ;) It is a bit confusing.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Online
« Last post by KOHTPA6AC on December 05, 2017, 06:29:42 PM »
Какой онлайн ожидается на старте ?
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